Klahan's Life/캄보디아 석사과정
Short Introduction: The effect of Family Background on Students' Academic Achievement
2016. 8. 16. 17:48The effect of Family Background on Students' Academic Achievement
Academic achievement is really important in students’ whole life. Because it leads relevant future careers for students. When they enter competitive fields, it allows the others to recognize them. Academic achievement is often a sign of a demonstrated intellect which can help them in all areas of their lives. Furthermore, children’s success in school keep influencing on their success until they become an adult. It also can determine their degree, income, and professions. Students’ academic achievements don’t depend on their intelligences and physical abilities only. There are a lot of factors that can greatly influence on their school performances. Among the lots of factors, family background is a kind of critical factors on it such as parental financial statement, level of educational attainment, pedagogy, allowance, family culture, and so on. In view of this, the influence of family background on the academic achievement of students becomes indispensable factor. Family background can influence positively and negatively to the children. It is a fact that a well-to-do family will have positive effects in aspect the education of their children. According to Ezewu, E. (2003), family background of parents affects children especially in respect of their children’s academic achievement. In this study we try to establish whether there is a correlation between the students’ academic achievements and family background and how these interact each other, in GEP program at Westline School. Moreover, we generalize what factors are more effective in family backgrounds. In the paper, we examine five populations of Westline School with Random sampling.
EZEWU, E. (1994) Sociology of Education. Lagos: Longman Group Ltd., Hong Kong.