What is the Governance in Higher Education?
Governance in higher education is an assembly of stakeholders which are government, president, faculty, department, and any part that related to policy in higher education. It is the social governance system in which stakeholders determine and implement policies through discussion and consultation as an independent part (“Governance in higher education,” 2016). There are some tasks of governance which are as follows (Balderston, 1995).
1) To develop policy
2) Financial support & control
3) Human resource management
4) Assessment
To do those above things well-enough, governance in higher education must be autonomous (Lee, 2013). Except for the educational principles that is the entire education system which is made by government, government must respect governance’s autonomy and diversity of higher education system and policy. Moreover, governance must adapt the needs of community, parents, and students rather than order from government to be a good institution.
Thus, to become a good governance, governance must be guaranteed enough autonomy from government. After that, governance could deeply think and consider about their policies themselves for making and implementing suitable policies on themselves by that. It means it can work as a policy maker for itself. After that, governance could achieve expansion of attendance, sharing information, and deduction of conflicts.
1. Balderston, F. E. (1995). Managing Today’s University (Second Edition ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
2. Governance in higher education (2016). . In Wikipedia. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governance_in_higher_education
3. Lee, K. (2013, January 10). 거버넌스란 무엇인가? Retrieved January 24, 2017, from 이경호의 진로진학 & 교육행정, http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=nlboman&logNo=175443547